4.7, 161 votes
The Sims Mobile is a game based off of the original Sims game. It's a life-simulator and was first announced in May of 2017. It was fully released in March of 2018 and has gotten many exciting updates since. Not only does it have the main story line, but you can also play online with other live players. Players will use the in-game character creation tool to create a unique and personalized character. All players will get multiple choices of clothing, face appearance, and hair color. Premium players, though, will get extra options that only comes with being a premium member.
Players will then go out into the open world and live through the life of the character. In addition to choosing a career and buying a house, players will need to do basic tasks with their character, like cook, sleep, and shower. Each person you meet has the option of creating a relationship and each relationship has its own unique story line. You can choose to get married and have kids or you can live alone. After buying a home, you'll start with only a few options for things like decorations or furniture. As you level up, you'll unlock more options and have more choices to choose from. Depending on how far you play with your character, you could play until the end of their life and you'll have to create a new character to start a new story line.
Once the game fully loads, you'll be taken to the character creation tool where you'll create a unique character. In addition to choosing the gender and body build, you'll also choose things like hair color, makeup selections, jewelry selections, and clothing. You can make multiple characters, but you can only play with 1 at a time. After you create your character, you'll go back to the main screen and go to the play option. When starting a new game, you'll have very limited options and you'll need to make some choices to get your character on various paths. Some choices include where you want to build your house, what career you want, and whether or not you want to start a family.
After you get to a certain level, you'll be able to choose your career. Most of the careers that are given to you to choose from will be based on choices you've made while playing. In fact, the majority of the game is based on the choices you make, so you'll probably have a different playing experience everytime. In addition to working and raising your family, your character will need to do basic tasks to stay healthy. This includes things like eating, sleeping, showering, and exercising. If you don't take care of yourself and your character dies, the grim reaper will show up and take the soul of your character. Sometimes, you'll be able to keep playing as the ghost and other times you'll want to start playing with a new character.
All in all, The Sims Mobile app is a great option for those that want the same experience as they would have if they were playing on console or PC. While there isn't a lot of choices when it comes to clothing and there are timers for almost everything, the game is definitely worth it. Not only can you earn special items from the fun events and work on countless different challenges or tasks, but you can also get caught up in fantastic stories. You can even create and grow your very own family and choose a large variety of items to decorate your house and yard.
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