4.4, 144 votes
The Grand Theft Auto: Vice City mobile version was released in December of 2012. Overall, it was well-recieved and was very similar in quality and gameplay as the console versions of the game. The great thing is that the storyline and missions are exactly the same as on the console versions and many of the controls are the same. The 2 biggest issues that players have complained about is how hard the steering and control is and how the aiming and shooting leaves a lot to be desired. With that said, though, players have the option to customize their controls and make things a little easier for them.
The story line is set in 1986 in Vice City, which is a fictional placed based off of Miami. Your character is Tommy Vercetti, a mobster that was recently released from prison. After getting caught up in a drug deal that gets ambushed, Vercetti goes after the people that are responsible while also building a criminal enterprise that was created to take over the other crime syndicates in the city. As you progress through the story and level up your character, you play missions that become increasingly hard. In addition to the story mode, you can also choose freeplay, which lets you run around the city and do pretty much anything you want. The game is played in 3rd person and you can get around by foot or using one of the many available vehicles.
The story line starts shortly after Tommy Vercetti's prison release and puts you right in the middle of the drug deal that was ambushed. After getting away, you'll start playing missions to try and find the people responsible. Every character and story mission is based off of real people and real locations. To finish the story mode, you'll need to go through several different missions. If you don't meet the requirements, you'll fail and you can't progress through the story or to the next mission until you successfully complete the previous one.
In addition to playing the missions, the open map design gives you the option to freeplay on 2 different islands. You can do many different things, including hijack cars, rob people, and run from the cops. You can also buy a house to be your home base and you can go here to rest or change your outfit. This is extremely helpful because different story missions will require you to wear certain clothing. You can also choose this time to visit various stores or areas where you can do things like buy new clothes, buy new weapons, and customize your vehicles. Keep in mind, this game has a lot of adult content and it's not the best choice for younger kids.
If you're looking for a mobile version of the original Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, then this is a great option for you. In addition to having the exact same storyline, you can also do all of the same tasks, like driving, shooting, and running. Even though some of the controls are a little hard to get used to, they get the job done and make things enjoyable. With this game, you have many hours of gameplay and a fantastic storyline to follow. Overall, it's a great game for Vice City fans, as long as you remember that you won't get the same graphics or gameplay as you would on console or PC.
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