4.6, 371 votes
Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation application that allows you to create slideshows to get your information across. You can create as many slides as you want and add new information to each one. Once you're done creating your slides, you'll be able to customize how the slideshow is played, what kinds of visuals it has, and visuals or transitions to spice it up.
In addition to choosing from several themes, you can also select different layouts for each slide and choose animations to go on each. You can also insert videos or text to whatever slide you want to. Another feature that many people find helpful is being able to add sounds or music. You can either add it to specific slides or have it playing throughout the entire presentation.
Microsoft PowerPoint was released in 1987 by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin from the software company called Forethought, Inc. Since then, the application has had many updates to improve usability and offer more features. It's available across most platforms and can be used to create slides when you aren't connected to the internet. Learning everything could take a little time, but it can be learned a lot quicker than other slideshow creation applications out there.
You can see 4 of the key features of Microsoft PowerPoint.
You can insert your own photo, which is great for those that are trying to show something specific. If you don't have a photo already, you can search through the library to find something that will work. You can then insert the photo and use the handles to move it anywhere you want. You can also resize the picture to make it bigger or smaller.
Transistions are what happens when one slide goes off of the screen and another comes on. You can choose many different options and you could even have a different transition for every slide. After choosing the transition, you can customize settings like sounds, speed, and how the transition looks.
Animations let you set the movements that happen on your slides. For example, you can customize the settings to have a chart move or have a song start playing. In addition, you'll be able to set when and how the animation starts. This includes options like having the animation start with a click or having it start directly after another animation finishes.
Microsoft PowerPoint has a high level of customization. You can do things like set the theme, fonts, colors, and layouts of each slide. You can also customize how the information is shown and what's included on each slide. Another customization that you can do is to set how long the slide is on the screen and whether or not you want the slideshow to be played automatically or manually.
Microsoft PowerPoint is a great option for those that want to create a presentation to get the most important information across. Being able to do things like set the theme and customizing your slideshow means that you can use the settings that will give you the most help in sharing the message you need to.
Graphics / Sound |
Control |
Utilisation / Gameplay |
Overall Rating |
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